Annex 6. Vehicle maintenance, safety and security

Information and rules about vehicle maintenance, safety and security.

Vehicle maintenance

Take special care that lights, brakes, steering, exhaust system, seat belts, demisters, wipers, washers and any audible warning systems are all working. Also

  • lights, indicators, reflectors, and number plates MUST be kept clean and clear
  • windscreens and windows MUST be kept clean and free from obstructions to vision
  • lights MUST be properly adjusted to prevent dazzling other road users.
  • Extra attention needs to be paid to this if the vehicle is heavily loaded
  • exhaust emissions MUST NOT exceed prescribed levels
  • ensure your seat, seat belt, head restraint and mirrors are adjusted correctly before you drive
  • ensure that items of luggage are securely stowed.

Laws RVLR 1989 regs 23 & 27, & CUR regs 30 & 61

Warning displays. Make sure that you understand the meaning of all warning displays on the vehicle instrument panel. Do not ignore warning signs, they could indicate a dangerous fault developing.

  • When you turn the ignition key, warning lights will be illuminated but will go out when the engine starts (except the handbrake warning light). If they do not, or if they come on while you are driving, stop and investigate the problem, as you could have a serious fault.
  • If the charge warning light comes on while you are driving, it may mean that the battery isn’t charging. This should also be checked as soon as possible to avoid loss of power to lights and other electrical systems.

Window tints. You MUST NOT use a vehicle with excessively dark tinting applied to the windscreen, or to the glass in any front window to either side of the driver. Window tinting applied during manufacture complies with the Visual Light Transmittance (VLT) standards. There are no VLT limits for rear windscreens or rear passenger windows.

Laws RTA 1988 sect 42 & CUR reg 32

Tyres. Tyres MUST be correctly inflated to the vehicle manufacturer’s specification for the load being carried. Always refer to the vehicle’s handbook or data. Tyres should also be free from certain cuts and other defects.

Cars, light vans and light trailers MUST have a tread depth of at least 1.6 mm across the central three-quarters of the breadth of the tread and around the entire circumference.

Motorcycles, large vehicles and passenger-carrying vehicles MUST have a tread depth of at least 1 mm across three-quarters of the breadth of the tread and in a continuous band around the entire circumference.

Mopeds should have visible tread.

Be aware that some vehicle defects can attract penalty points.

Tyre age. Tyres over 10 years old MUST NOT be used on the front axles of:

  • goods vehicles with a maximum gross weight of more than 3.5 tonnes
  • passenger vehicles with more than 8 passenger seats

Additionally, they MUST NOT be used on the rear axles of passenger vehicles with 9 to 16 passenger seats, unless equipped with twin wheels.

To prove the age of a tyre, it is further required that the date of tyre manufacture marking MUST always be legible.

Vehicles currently excluded from tyre roadworthiness regulations and vehicles of historical interest which are not used for commercial purpose are exempt from these requirements.

Law CUR reg 27

If a tyre bursts while you are driving, try to keep control of your vehicle. Grip the steering wheel firmly and allow the vehicle to roll to a stop at the side of the road.

If you have a flat tyre, stop as soon as it is safe to do so. Only change the tyre if you can do so without putting yourself or others at risk - otherwise call a breakdown service.

Tyre pressures. Check weekly. Do this before your journey, when tyres are cold. Warm or hot tyres may give a misleading reading.

Your brakes and steering will be adversely affected by under-inflated or over-inflated tyres. Excessive or uneven tyre wear may be caused by faults in the braking or suspension systems, or wheels which are out of alignment. Have these faults corrected as soon as possible.

Fluid levels. Check the fluid levels in your vehicle at least weekly. Low brake fluid may result in brake failure and a crash. Make sure you recognise the low fluid warning lights if your vehicle has them fitted.

Before winter. Ensure that the battery is well maintained and that there are appropriate anti-freeze agents in your radiator and windscreen bottle.

Other problems. If your vehicle

  • pulls to one side when braking, it is most likely to be a brake fault or incorrectly inflated tyres. Consult a garage or mechanic immediately
  • continues to bounce after pushing down on the front or rear, its shock absorbers are worn. Worn shock absorbers can seriously affect the operation of a vehicle and should be replaced
  • smells of anything unusual such as burning rubber, petrol or an electrical fault; investigate immediately. Do not risk a fire.

Overheated engines or fire. Most engines are water-cooled. If your engine overheats, you should wait until it has cooled naturally. Only then remove the coolant filler cap and add water or other coolant.

If your vehicle catches fire, get the occupants out of the vehicle quickly and to a safe place. Do not attempt to extinguish a fire in the engine compartment, as opening the bonnet will make the fire flare. Call the fire brigade.

Petrol stations/fuel tank/fuel leaks. Ensure that, when filling up your vehicle’s tank or any fuel cans you are carrying, you do not spill fuel on the forecourt. Any spilled fuel should be immediately reported to the petrol station attendant. Diesel spillage is dangerous to other road users, particularly motorcyclists, as it will significantly reduce the level of grip between the tyres and road surface. Double-check for fuel leaks and make sure that

  • you do not overfill your fuel tank
  • the fuel cap is fastened securely
  • the seal in the cap is not torn, perished or missing
  • there is no visual damage to the cap or the fuel tank.

Emergency fuel caps, if fitted, should form a good seal.

Never smoke, or use a mobile phone, on the forecourt of petrol stations as these are major fire risks and could cause an explosion.

Undertake all aspects of the daily walkaround checks for commercial vehicles, as recommended by DVSA ( and the Fleet Operator Recognition Scheme (

Vehicle security

When you leave your vehicle you should

  • remove the ignition key and engage the steering lock
  • lock the car, even if you only leave it for a few minutes
  • close the windows completely
  • never leave children or pets in an unventilated car
  • take all contents with you, or lock them in the boot. Remember, for all a thief knows a carrier bag may contain valuables
  • never leave vehicle documents in the car.

For extra security fit an anti-theft device such as an alarm or immobiliser. If you are buying a new car it is a good idea to check the level of built-in security features. Consider having your registration number etched on all your car windows. This is a cheap and effective deterrent to professional thieves.

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