Signals by authorised persons

Signals used by authorised persons, including police officers, arm signals to persons controlling traffic, Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency officers and traffic officers and school crossing patrols.

Police officers

Traffic approaching from the front

Traffic approaching from the front

Traffic approaching from both front and behind

Traffic approaching from both front and behind

Traffic approaching from behind

Traffic approaching from behind

From the side

From the side

From the front

From the front

From behind*

From behind*

*In Wales, bilingual signs appear on emergency services vehicles and clothing

Arm signals to persons controlling traffic

I want to go straight on

I want to go straight on

I want to turn left; use either hand

I want to turn left; use either hand

I want to turn right

I want to turn right

Driver and Vehicle Standards Agency officers and traffic officers

Traffic officer

Traffic officer

DVSA officer

DVSA officer

These officers now have new powers to stop/direct vehicles and will be using hand signals and lightsignals similar to those used by police. You MUST obey any signals given (see Rules 107 and 108).

School crossing patrols

Not ready to cross pedestrians

Not ready to cross pedestrians

Barrier to stop pedestrians crossing

Barrier to stop pedestrians crossing

Ready to cross pedestrians, vehicles must be prepared to stop

Ready to cross pedestrians, vehicles must be prepared to stop

All vehicles must stop

All vehicles must stop

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